Closer Look: Erika's Originals Black Ops MN Straps

Six new straps have been added to our growing Erika's Originals collection of MN Watch Straps. All six are from the BLACK OPS series by Erika's and they look awesome when fitted to the right watch.
As per the Original MN strap that we have in stock, the BLACK OPS has landed with just the brushed buckle option with the MN engraving detailed on the fitting. There are plans to introduce the other buckle finishes in time as we increase our stock offering.
The same specification gives this strap the super comfortable appeal that we know so well from the Original MN strap. What is also retained is the patented fastening option which is simple but so effective.
You can check out our entire Erika's Originals collection here - Erika's Originals MN™ Watch Straps
Is there a Erika's Originals strap that you want us to stock? Let us know about it